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The Peirce Family

The Start of the Peirce Legacy




Few families in town have left such a lasting legacy as the Peirce family. For several generations, they included prominent local businessmen in Middleborough, and they exerted great influence in local and regional affairs.


Peter H. Peirce 


This image of Peter H. Peirce was lost for years, but was rediscovered in 1996. Photo courtesy “Col. Peter H. Peirce (1788-1861): A Plymouth County Life,.’

Peter H. Peirce

Peter H. Peirce was the son of Job and Elisabeth Peirce.  He was born in 1788. Peter went on to have part ownership in a large local cotton mill and a shovel works, both of which seized upon the free natural resources of the Nemasket River for their power. He married, and had a large family himself--eight sons and three daughters, though remarkably none of them appear to have left any children behind.

Thomas Sprout Peirce: Son of Peter H. Peirce 


Thomas Sprout Peirce

“So this strange man with the fortune of a King and a good education lived out his solitary life in this country grocery store. He was never melancholy and apparently happy, but whether he was in reality happy or not none will ever know.”

(Quotation from his obituary in the New York Times, September 1901)

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